Sunday, February 11, 2007

ok - I'm hooked.

I've been reading Atheist in a Mini Van's No dice post since it came out a week ago. I'm addicted. I check is every day. I find the comments (92 at the moment) fascinating. There, I've said it. Admitting I have a problem is the first step to recovery.

I know I invited you to come talk at our womens group. William does not think it's a good idea. I am going to have to agree with him. I shouldn't have asked you to come with out consulting every one. Having an atheist in our circle is just not a risk we can take. I hope you understand and are not mad. I would like to ask you questions that I can read in our circle. Would you answer them so that I can read them in the group. Maybe your friends would like to answer them. I pray for your family every day and hope that Jesus will come into your heart and change you. - OfWilliam* (name changed because of her request not to be named in prior conversations).

My favorite comment was early on:

Paul said...

"Having an atheist in our circle is just not a risk we can take."
What, do you think some of you might catch the Atheist flu? Maybe you're afraid possummomma might go postal with her lack of a moral compass, and bludgeon you all to death with a psalter? Or maybe you're just afraid of exposing any members of your congregation to the opportunity to think for themselves?

It's like Atheist are so scary, so potentially damaging, so stinky fish nasty, that Christians must be protected from them. It is an absurd notion really. But one I can appreciate - I've been invited and uninvited myself. But honestly, debating religion with a bunch of true believers is not my idea of a fun. I would rather read.

And just for the record, I don't hate God - there is no God to hate. I don't hate Christians - I don't care what Christians believe. People who try to impose their religion on me just piss me off, if you want to call that hate then fine.  

(Posted while listening to Neil Young - Needle and the Damage Done - off Neil Young Unplugged)

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