Friday, February 02, 2007

My Heroes

Peter Berdovsky and Sean Stevens - I thought their "hair from the 70's interview was one of the funniest things I have ever heard.

vt1.cartoon.scare.ap.jpg (JPEG Image, 306x336 pixels)

Boston must be full of idiots. Did they honestly think that the city was under attack by space invaders with an attitude?


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Darwin's Dagger said...

Yeah, if the police in this country can't tell the difference between some toy that lights up and an actual bomb were in bigger trouble than anybody thought. They should pin a medal on these guys for pointing out how incompetent the Boston PD really is.

Mojoey said...

it was a light bright! a toy for three year olds that every man, woman, and child can recognize.

Anonymous said...

Buncha morons, the next thing you know they'll be trying to convince you that an airplane could be hijacked with a box cutter.

I thought these guys were total shitheads.

Because clearly a bomb could never be packed into a device like that. It would be packed into something labeled "BOMB", duh!

And I totally expect to see a lightbright stuck somewhere like here:

Stupid pigs, almost acted like the biggest terrorist attack in the nations history had originated from their city.

Mojoey said...

rg - right... cause, you know, a long established graffiti technique - stencils and installations - was obviously a bomb. Because mooonman looked like every other bomb we've ever seen.

Oh wait - you don't drive by this shit everyday like I do. Take the glow in the dark suited spaceman off the 405 in Long Beach for instance. The moonman installation was unusual but not unique, and not a reason for public panic or police state responses.

These guys made an artists response to an absurd situation. Boston is the laughing stock of the Country - maybe even the world, and it is funny. Laugh at the man! I command it!

beepbeepitsme said...

The dreads are cool. The only thing that has stopped me from doing that with my own hair is that when you are sick of it, you have to cut it all off. I have been growing my hair for too long to just chop it all off.

Who knows, one day I might just say - stuff it- and be a dreadlocked grannie.