Sunday, February 11, 2007

I resolve to post comments

I do the whole blog thing well Enough. I write posts like crazy. I love doing it. For some reason I have never warmed up to posting comments on other peoples blogs. A friend recently pointed out this is bad form (he did not need to), so I have resolved to do better. I closed some of my other blogs to remove distractions, and started with a small post at Spirituality and Sunflowers. There will be more to follow.

This Unitarian seems a little conflicted...

As a side not [sic], I don’t know if the term atheist applies anymore. Maybe I’m up to agnostic? [My mother would be ecstatic. I remember telling her I was an theist - She almost crashed the car, and yelled at me I wasn’t, but I was an agnostic. She might be too sometimes. But I couldn’t say I was an atheist. I was an agnostic. She’s still in denial about this - imagine the whole gay thing.]

(posted while listing to Prince - Sing O' the Times - off The Hits/B-sides)

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