Sunday, February 04, 2007

Christianist and Everson v. Board of Education

Via Rob Boston on Alternet

Why is the far right so eager to discredit Everson? The case is crucial because in it the Supreme Court laid down a concise and wide-ranging definition of the First Amendment's religion provisions that have had a profound effect on church-state law. In addition, a unanimous court strongly endorsed Jefferson's assertion that the American people, through the First Amendment, have "erected a wall of separation between church and state." For anyone seeking to undermine that wall, discrediting Everson is job one.

I run into Christian all the time who look startled when we talk about the Christianist's attempts to redefine American privacy laws. They don't seem to understand that one of the goals of the movement is to allow for a more intrusive government. As it, a government who has the right to monitor what you do in your bed room, or who you choose to do it with. The Keystone case holding up the legal framework for a wall separating religion and government. If the wall comes down, the morality police will be the first ones to scrabble over it.

Give the article a read. Knowing your history is important to protecting our future. Remember:

""Everson did not create the concept of separation of church and state in American constitutional law; the First Amendment did," said Erwin Chemerinsky...

(Posted while listing to Incubus - Under My Umbrella - off Morning View)

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