Monday, February 12, 2007

Blogroll Update: Rev. Art

Rev. Art - a know associate of the Bacon Eating Atheist Jew, has joined the atheist blogroll with two entries.

I found the the Atheist Pin-Ups interesting, (warning 1 NWS image included) My favorite writer is among those listed:

Harlan Ellison
From CelebAtheists

Ellison mentions his disbelief in, among other places, the introduction to his book Strange Wine. His story "The Deathbird" presents an alternate take on the biblical account of creation, wherein the snake is a Prometheus figure sent to deliver humanity the wisdom it will need to overcome the tyrannical rule of the insane being who calls himself God.

On Tom Snyder's Tomorrow Show Ellison is purported to have said "I am so far beyond atheism, there isn't a word in the English language dictionary to describe me."

Ellison is a master writer - his fiction and non-fiction blow me away.

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1 comment:

Baconeater said...

I actually sent Minister of Rants your way too. I hope you don't mind.
One favor. Can you capitalize the A and J in my blog name on the Atheist blogroll.

Check out this blog out too:
Advice From God

And Your Religion Sucks