Saturday, February 03, 2007

100% Atheist, 3 Inches Deep

 Via Zeemy's Paradigm

Taking all of this into account, I wonder if deep down in the sea of my unconscious I still feel as though I’m a believer. I wonder if I would have to declare my position to my family in order to feel as though I was really an atheist. It isn’t really true until your mother knows about it.

"Until your mother knows about it" - I love that line. I can't remember when I told my mom - it was a very long time ago. I don't hide it now; I used too, but it did not feel honest. I regret it at times. The people I work with can be complete asshats about it. Zeemy seems to be coming to grips with being an atheist, it can be socially awkward, especially when our world is full of Christians.

I'll have to add his blog to the Atheist blogroll.

(Posted while listing to Los Lonely Boys- Crazy Dream- off Los Lonely Boys .)


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1 comment:

Ribs said...

I used to hide it, too. I'm a lot better about speaking out now, but I still find myself hiding sometimes. I'm headed in the right direction...but still on my way there.