Saturday, October 14, 2006

The evil that is dominionism

I do not read the Daily KOS. It has always seem on the fringe to me. Too quick to jump on the conspiracy band wagon, to self-righteous in their moral certitude. I may have been wrong. Dogemperor, a Daily KOS contributor, posted an insightful look at the dominionist movement through the retelling of her escape from the movement. She retells stories from her dominionist youth. While providing a context for understanding her loathing of the dominonist movement.

One of the crappier incidents I remember that I did--and to this day I kick myself over it, and if the guy who this happened to is reading this, my deepest apologies--anyways, one time in 5th grade, I had made a comment that was in fact seen as socially acceptable by the dominionist group that raised me...that I hoped that "godly people took over and did to the atheists what Hitler did to the Jews".

Source: Daily Kos: Why the subject of dominionism is rather...personal to me.

I found the section of her diary that deals with the things her church did to prevent outside influences jarring. It reminded me of a book I read as a teen Christian, Youth, Brainwashing and the Extremist Cults. A book that filled me with an irrational fear of any religion except my own.

I heard influence "b" a few thousand times back in the day.

b) Taught that criticism of the group was "blaspheming against the Holy Spirit" and criticism of members or the church was answered with "touch not mine anointed" or "thou shalt not judge a man of God"

Dominionism is the enemy of liberty. Defeating it, or confronting it, is one of the reasons I fight.


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1 comment:

Gary McGath said...

I just came across your blog while doing a search on the Texas Republican attack on atheist political candidates. Very well written. I'm linking to it from my blog.

No particular comment on this post otherwise.