My latest trip to China was decidedly unproductive from a photographic standpoint. The high humidity played hell with my equipment, rendering my primary lens inoperable for days at a time due to internal fogging. I was able to shoot a few photographs in Suzhou after I figured out how to defog My lens. I’ll publish my lens defogging life hack in another post. I had a chance to tour a few under construction factories in Suzhou economic development zone. I was able to shoot a few technical pictures for my work and managed to shoot a few pictures for my own pleasure too.
This shot is of a construction projects nearing completion. Construction workers are rigging the factory floor for incoming equipment. I like to try to capture the feel of place when I shoot photographs. The really-friggen-hot and too-damn-humid-to-breathe feel of the space did not come across in this photograph as much as the languid indifference of the workforce. Of course, I felt for the workers, it was too damn hot to care about much of anything.
btw - I think Suzhou translates to "the land of a million mosquitoes".
Technorati Tags: Photography, China, PRC, Suzhou