Friday, May 14, 2004

Ted Koppel Speaks at UC Berkeley Graduation

My son Jon graduates from UC Berkeley this May. I cannot describe how proud I am. It fills me with a father’s sense of pride and loss. Another milestone in my son’s life to be proud of, and another step away from the Nintendo playing child of only a few short years ago. Time flies.

Ted Koppel spoke at the 2004 Commencement ceremony, he used his appearance to clarify his position on the War in Iraq. Dispite his comments to the contrary, he is much shorter in person. His speech was wonderful, as a Stanford Grad, he pushed the interschool rivalry buttons, as a supporter of the War in Iraq, he pushed the Berkeley hippy buttons, and in portraying it like it is realist, he pushed the “you are not as smart as you think you are button.” His approach worked, by the end of his speech, the students were ready to conquer the world. I’m going to have to hunt down the text of the speech, it was truly memorable (although I’ve forgotten it already).

See a picture here