
Sunday, October 12, 2008

Not So Buena #8


Title: Palm Trees
By: Mojoey
Where: Buena Park, Ca., at Buena Park Mall
When: October 10, 2008
Equipment: Nikon D300 - 1/250 @ f8


Living in Southern California has it advantages and its disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is the use of palm trees as decorative features on commercial property. I actually hate it almost as much as I hate houses that use tar paper and white rocks as roofing material (don't ask, it's irrational). The parking lot at the Buena Park Mall is palm tree anarchy. It's urban ugly at its worst.

This photo is an entry in the Not So Buena photography project hosted here at Deep Thoughts. If you would like to participate with photo's from your own city, see the instructions on this post.

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