
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Accused pedophile pastor offering day care in his home

I'm beginning to think Jeremy Caraway might not be too smart. If you type his name into Google, my post on his arrest is the first item in the list. It only takes is a few moments to figure out that Caraway is awaiting trial on a charge that he molested a 14-year-old girl. How dumb do you have to be to offer child care services from your home in an advertisement on Craig's List?

A woman in Mobile, Alabama says she was searching Craigslist for childcare for her special needs son.

That's where she found Monica Caraway.

"She had a husband that was a preacher. She was talking about how she had a good Christian family. She had kids of her own. This woman seemed the nicest of the nice," said the Alabama mother of a special needs child.

The mother says when Monica Caraway's background came back clean, she googled Jeremy Caraway. That's when she found much more than she'd bargained for. Caraway was arrested in May of last year on rape, sodomy and enticing a child.

Source: Former preacher accused of sex crime offers childcare in home

I'm betting Deep Thoughts played a part in preventing another case of child abuse. My blog scrolls by in a news report describing the case.

Can you imagine? Placing your special needs child into daycare with a Christian woman who does not disclose that her alleged pedophile pastor of a husband has a child molestation case pending? If it sounds unethical, that's because it is.

I have to add this to my WWJD list. It is a perfect example of the type of behavior we do not expect from Christians, yet there is is again. 


  1. Anonymous9:13 AM

    I would never allow pastor lee mcfarland of radiant church, surprise, az. To watch my kids. He is sick and very evil.

  2. Anonymous10:21 AM

    What pastor Lee did had nothing to do with kids however the woman he had the affair with is pretty childish for trying to get paid for cheating on her husband with pastor lee.

    1. Anonymous8:31 AM

      Your comments are kinda stupid. Mcfagland is bad news and you have to know it.

  3. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Pseudo Pastor Dale Lee McFarland (Radiant Church, Surprise AZ.) wrote a book during the molestation of the Gallagher’s titled ‘Worth the Risk.’ It is a truly terrible book written by an evil soul. However, the title is quite ironic. The Gallagher’s legal team was able to recover over a thousand pages of evidence regarding this predator’s lifestyle of pastoral abuse. There are many other victims out there. I give kudos to the Gallagher’s for standing up against this evil in God’s clothing. Christ says it’s better for those who mislead his people to tie a millstone around their neck and drown themselves. I wonder how he feels by someone doing this in God’s name. I believe hell has special reservations for pseudo pastors whom molest God’s people.

  4. Anonymous4:12 AM

    Pastor Lee McFarland, Radiant Church in Surprise, AZ. is a sexual predator!
