
Sunday, November 02, 2008

OC Atheists November Meeting

Orange County Atheists is a politically active organization in my own neighborhood. I've decided to start participating. The next meeting in Nov. 14.

The Next Orange County Atheists meeting will take place Wednesday, November 12 at 7:30PM at the International House of Pancakes at 18542 MacArthur Blvd in Irvine, near John Wayne Airport. Those interested will also meet for a less formal gathering at 6:00PM at the El Torito across from the IHOP before coming to the 7:30PM meeting.

A map to the IHOP is available here. We'll be meeting in the upstairs meeting room. Please RSVP at this page to let us know you're coming one or both events!

I know there are a few OC readers out there. Stop in, I'd love to meet you.

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