
Sunday, November 02, 2008

The Liberal Atheist Vegetarian

The ocregister (Orange County Register) has a new blog called the Liberal Atheist Vegetarian. What is this world coming to? Here is a sample:

The Liberal Atheist Vegetarian loves voting - having my voice heard, being involved in my government, and helping to shape the world I live in. In reality though, too often I’m faced with a huge list of initiatives, school board members and judges I really don’t know much about. I don’t want to vote “wrong”, but it can be hard to know how to vote right.

Enter the voter guide.

Everyone seems to be putting one out. Political action groups, neighborhood associations, political parties, groups pretending to be political parties, and even religious groups. They’re fairly helpful on our propositions (The Courage Campaign’s guide lists their choices as well as other progressive group’s picks, for example), but in terms of local races, it’s hard to know who to vote for.

I'm hooked already.

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