
Sunday, November 02, 2008

Blogroll Update: The Liquid Thinker

In the author's own words:

Hi! My name is Tim Johnson and I am the creator of The Liquid Thinker. I'm one of those physicists who's gone into industry doing software development. Apparently not having enough to do, I somehow thought starting up a blog would be a fun experiment to try.

Having a fairly broad range of interests, there are probably a great deal of topics I'll eventually touch on, but the main themes weaving through (or currents, if you will) The Liquid Thinker are science, education, technology, and atheism (and some politics here and there). So why ponder atheism? Now an atheist, I come from a religious background and have observed what appears to be an increasing tendency in our society to make decisions and take action based on dogmatic supernatural thinking instead of evidence. I am convinced this is a dangerous path to travel. It is something we need to be talking about. At the same time, my experience as a scientist tells me that the universe is much more amazing and wondrous than the ancient religions ever guessed.

So, if any of that strikes your fancy, feel free to drop by. If you are someone who is religious or maybe having doubts, perhaps some little miscellaneous tidbit I write will give you something to consider.

Drop in and say hi.

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