
Sunday, March 02, 2008

William Procanick gets three years

There is a certain satisfaction  I feel when one of these sleazy pedophile pastors finally goes to jail. When I learned that William Procanick was sentenced to three years, I smiled.

A former Oneida County pastor found guilty of sexually abusing a child is sentenced Friday. William Procanick will spend three years in prison followed by five years post-release supervision for sexual abuse. He was also sentenced to one year in Oneida County Jail for endangering the welfare of a child.


I've posted on Procanick here and here.


  1. Anonymous6:22 AM

    The sad part is simply this - in THIS particular case, this is not a sleazy pedophile getting his due. This is a case of a woman, incarcerated numerous times for drug charges, her children taken away numerous times by social services for neglect and/or abuse, who took advantage of a family that tried to help her change her life around, seeing an easy buck to be made by setting things up for a nice civil suit and in part covering up some of the more lascivious acts of the men that paraded in and out of her life over the years. This is a case where a biased judicial system permitted the defendent to present no defense whatsoever.
    As someone who once suffered sexual abuse at the hands of another, I am always glad to see when a pedophile "gets his due". But in this case, I am only able to see a gross injustice and a very sad and substantial loss to the community.
    It sickens me to no end to see the untruths that continue to be perpetuated against this man and his family.

  2. Procanick confessed to Sgt. Denise Luker by saying that he had rubbed the girl “in a way that I shouldn’t.”
    Nuff said I wouldn't let him babysit.
    Besides a Pastor should be beyond reproach, unfortunately they so often are not.

  3. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Three years for working out a charley horse. Yup smile away. Sure seems like justice to me.

  4. Anonymous9:51 AM

    I just learned about Rev. William Procanick? Why isn't the media giving this story the same amount of coverage received by Rev. Jermiah Wright. Did Senator Clinton know her former pastor was a sex offender? Did she condemn him? How long was she a member of this church?

  5. Procanick was not Senator Clinton's pastor. In this case, Clinton refers to a city... but you knew that already right?

  6. Well, Barack went through the media "wringer" so should Hillary. I believe this is interesting timing while the Pope is here. But I think Procanick should spend and additional year! Communities with priest beware!!!

    Would not allowing priest to marry reduce the incidents of child molestation or other such abnormal behavior(s), it may save the Vatican a lot of embarrassment (and poerhaps money).

  7. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Procanick is not a Priest. He is a Pastor. He is married, has daughters, was a kids soccer coach for 10 years, and has never had even one complaint before or since. He has 30 years worth of constant contact with young girls. He has a perfect record of decency. He is innocent.
    It is not right that he is in jail. He doesn’t fit the profile in any way, and there was no solid proof. Not even the officers who arrested him think he did it. This judge and DA should go to jail for abuse of power due to prejudice.

  8. Boy, I don't like the sound of this "conviction". Looks like they are doing it on his statement of "touching her in a way I shouldn't have" whatever that means.

    Where is the evidence? I actually see none at all. And what was done to this 7 year old girl to deserve 3 years?

    We had some 6-7 folks at a daycare here in NC get (in one case) 9 life sentences based on testimony from 3 year old children who'd been driven to hysteria by their parents who were convinced "something" had happened. That same attitude was taken up by the jury and everybody associated with the case was convicted.

    What jackasses we be.

  9. Larry - back when I played basketball we would point to the scoreboard whenever a dissatisfied opponent question our latest win.


  10. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Where oh where is the media? Senator Obama was made a public spectator by the media for what his pastor said, why then should Senator Clinton's be made the same by the conviction of his pastor for being a pedophile. The media pray as an opportunistic, frankly speaking, the media is bias, especially Foxs news, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Rilley.

  11. This pastor was very close to me and my wife at one point in my life. Its very sad when a great person like him is considered guilty until proven innocent. And your attitude about the subject is appalling. I understand there is freedom of speech in the USA. However, dont be a jackass about it. You clearly dont know all the facts about this case........the DA twisted his words so many different ways. I only hope that you or your family never has to go through a similar ordeal.

  12. SoutherCFP - in your eyes I became a jackass when I wrote about Procanick. I can live with that especially given I was fairly restrained.

  13. Actually you became a jackass when you formulated an opinion on this pastor long before you had any facts whatsoever.....Im sure you are well aware of this though. Its actually comical to watch people like yourself just trying to "stir the pot" with your succeeded.

  14. Anonymous10:53 AM

    I am the one this happened to,I am 12 now and turning 13 this year.He what they call "molesting" did that to me. I DONT KNOW why someone in fact would make that up. If they helped my mother so much and all what some of you say why would she want me to make something so bad up about him to hurt him and his family?... I know him as Bill Procanick I remember his german sheperd Gewls I remember his other dog he got I was in his basment saidy when he got her I remember he had 3 daughters. I could tell you what his bedroom and house looked like.he lived down the road from me and me and my sister stayed there alot.YES they did help us alot but i would never lie about something so serious. Becuase it was true. Especially if i knew that it would hurt them and there family.They helped my mom alot but if that didnt happen what he did to me I wouldnt lie about it. At first I told my mom he didnt do anything I didnt know or understand what he did was wrong.But I told her what he did because she didnt stop asking me she noticed I acted diffrent around him and she was doing what any other mother would was questioning her daughter I started to have night mares also about him. I didnt understand why but that night I was having trouble sleeping I was in his bedroom infront of his bed laying on the floor.They had company so he was not with me my sister was in one of his daughters rooms . I went out where they where in the living room and told them i couldnt sleep they told me that he would come in a minute in fact he did not really in a minute maybe more then a minute and then he touched me ways he shouldn't have I dont think I should explain to you people what he did to me because thats not nessecary if you didnt witness it you cant say it didnt happen.I remember still to this day and in fact I do FORGIVE him but you can forgive but you could NEVER forget. It really hurts me to see that some people dont believe me and talk soo much crap about my mom like that is her business I dont get how that can have any reason for her to want me to make something so horrible up like seriously DUDE get a life and mind your business . You may ask why I am on this looking up him and reading these comment I still have the news paper with the artical somewhere in my house and I DONT know why I looked his name up and searched for him I guess I just wanted to know what people think of this and how they react .Well dont believe me whatever im not saying you have to im just saying I told the TRUTH! & Its pathetic that you people would think I would make something so serious up , it sucks because I always thought he was a good man . He ruined all the trust & faith me & my family put into him . Now because of that , I have trust issues . What he did may not seem true or serious to you guys but i'm scarred for the rest of my life because of what that man did to me . Even though my mother hasn't & doesn't always make the right choices shes the best mother she can be , her past is the past. You guys are just trying to find an excuse to why it was right for him to touch me . & it wasn't he got what he deserved & hopefully he learned from it. But you guys can think what you want he knows what he did was wrong & he confessed .

    1. Anonymous11:36 AM

      Bill confessed to me that he did do this to u and he said he did it to your lil sister a few times also

  15. Anonymous victim - I believe you. So did the Judge. If you need to talk about it, drop me an email any time. I know people who can help.

  16. TychaBrahe7:35 PM

    It was not your fault.
    It was not your fault.
    It was not your fault.
    It was not your fault.
    It was not your fault.
    It was not your fault.
    It was not your fault.
    It was not your fault.
    It was not your fault.
    It was not your fault.
    It was not your fault.

    He was the adult. He was supposed to be the grownup. Grownups protect children, not abuse them. He is sick and should have sought help rather than hurting, abusing, touching you. It is his fault.

    I believe you.
    I believe you.
    I believe you.

  17. Anonymous7:44 PM

    I believe you.

    There's been a story in the local news where I live about a Reverend who was also a fine upstanding philanthropist who "didn't fit the profile." He jumped off a bridge when he was tipped off that he was being investigated.

    Ten months or so after his death, the facts have come out: he's been molesting kids for 40 years. Forty. Years. And there were people who knew about it and kept mum, for fear of damaging HIS reputation.

    It makes me sick to my stomach to hear this kid and her mother dragged through the mud when they're the only ones with the courage to speak up against him.

    I'll say it again: I believe you.

  18. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Thank you. Im in tharapy still. I had another insident with sexual abuse but i dont wanna testify.That was actully earlyer this school year but its summer now and school is almost here again.The thing about it is he lives right down the road from me.(Not Bill another guy)But again thank you (: and Mojoey I will try to email you this isnt my account this is my older sisters.

    1. Anonymous11:32 AM

      If u had another insodent as u clam why didn't u report it lies lies lies just as u did with was all about money attention .

  19. Anonymous5:16 AM

    To the 12 year old VICTIM, (yes folks, SHE is the victim, not the pastor!),
    I cried for you when reading your letter because a very close friend of mine also was abused by our priest and is going through the same thing that you are. This person, "Anonymous 1-18 of 18" is a joke. Same exact thing they did to my friend. Made her sound like a loser with all kinds of mental problems, lousy mother, and every other mean thing they could think of in order to make it look like the priest was innocent. There were even pictures of injuries and letters from the priest that he wrote in his OWN words, admitting to hurting her physically and sexually assaulting her. He admitted it yet there are still plenty of people that don't want to believe it so they attack my friend rather than their pastor.
    This is a very hard thing to understand and it is very painful to experience. But, there is actually something I am only now starting to understand myself. I will share it with you in hopes that it will help you. The people that don't believe you (or think your mom put you up to it) aren't simply defending a guilty man. They are defending themselves. In other words, if they allowed themselves to believe that he really was guilty, then that would be so horrifying and they would feel so betrayed that they cannot even bare the thought of it. If they did, they would have to look in the mirror and see that it could have also been them that the Pastor abused, or one of their daughters. So, I guess what I'm saying is that I don't think it is all about you and not believing your story. I think it is more about THEM not wanting to believe it because they would have to admit to themselves that they were fooled.
    So many abusers of children and adults as well are too "cool" to be thought of as a pervert. These guys are usually the life of the party and loved by most that meet up with them at some point in life. It's called charisma. Some people just know how to fit in everywhere, they know how to get a laugh, attract weak people and fool them into trusting the abuser. It drives me nuts to hear society get so easily sucked in by the social.
    You did NOTHING wrong. Your mom did NOTHING wrong. No matter what anyone says to defend this man, just remember that there was enough evidence to put him in prison. These pople that support these criminals have nothing more than a good ol' whopping case of DENIAL (and their afraid to look in the mirror and see that the person staring back at them was friends with a seuxal predoter.). I know that wouldn't make me feel so good. You did the right thing and probably helped out another child that would have been next on his list by doing so!
    Lastly, if you were abused again by a separate individual, PLEASE report it! Don't let these jerks that are protecting their pastors mess up your life even more by making you afraid to speak up for yourself. And most people DO believe your story. The Judge saw he was guilty, the prosecutor saw he was guilty, the police saw he was guilty and now, a PRISON KNOWS he is guilty!
    Good job and keep your head up. YOu've lots to be proud of!

  20. Anonymous11:11 AM

    This is the Victim, I am 13 now. I am trying to contact you "mojoey". I am going through a rough time right now, things have always been rough. I recently tried committing suicide for the third time. My sister saw me in this state, and told us he did this to her too!we always suspected this. PLEASE give me you're email.

  21. Anonymous8:36 PM

    The one who got molested is my little cousin. and her mother may have done some things that aren't good but she still has morals. I love them both and I'm glad he's not a pastor anymore and he got what he deserves.
