
Thursday, February 28, 2008

A long day on the freeway

The morning on a freeway

We call them freeways here in Los Angeles, only... they are not free. I drove 140 miles for my job today. 70 across Los Angeles from Buena Park to over the Ventura County line, and then back again in the afternoon. My total drive time was five hours and 15 minutes.

I am lucky I carry my camera instead of a gun. I can understand how somebody might loose it and start shooting. It is mind numbing to make this drive.

Driving in heavy traffic eats your soul.

and no - I do not believe in a soul - I mean that part of us that makes us happy to be alive. Whatever you may call it.

I saw two traffic accidents happen, and saw the aftermath of two more. I saw an older lady (my age anyway) loose her dignity by flashing her boobs at a hairy truck driver. My camera was ready, my will was not.

I saw three dead animals. I saw the middle finger from at least four drivers, two were pointed at me. I saw the back of a lot of ugly cars and trucks. However, I also made this photo. It was a good day.

I posted a few more shots from my drive at Flickr.

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