
Friday, March 29, 2013

Why lower bail for an accused pedophile?

California Superior Court Judge Clifford Anderson lowered the bail on accused rapist and pedophile pastor Louis Joseph Bristol, (Profiled here). Judge Anderson Bristol's bail to $500,000 after listening to Bristol's attorney, Larry Powell.

Powell argued that there isn’t a public safety risk since no new, current victims came forward during law enforcement’s investigations.
Some women came forward who knew Bristol in the past, but “whether or not the allegations are true, they’re very old,” he argued.
Source: Judge Lower bail for pastor accused of molestation, rape by Giana Magnoli

Powell's rationale seems terribly weak, and the risk here is significant. Why would Judge Anderson knowingly put a pedophile back on the street after such a superficial argument. Let me see if I can paraphrase. We can let pedopastor Bristol out because no other kids have come forward claiming abuse and those women are old lying hoes. Is that about right?

Anderson ran unappeased for re-election in 2012, it looks like we are stuck with him. 


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