
Monday, March 21, 2011

Youth pastor Robert Stoner arrested

RobertStonerA 15-year-old girl was found walking home from the house of her youth pastor where she alleges Robert Stoner raped her while his children slept in the next room. Stoner admitted to the crime.

Stoner was brought to police headquarters, where he acknowledged having intercourse several times in his home "in the living room on the couch while his son was asleep," police said in court records.

Investigators spoke with the victim, who said she and Stoner had had sex about six times between Feb. 1 and Friday.

I don’t get it. What drives a man to rape a child? What drives a pastor to rape a child? And what kind of idiot mother allows her daughter to go to the home of a youth pastor unsupervised? By now the whole world should know that allowing a pastor unsupervised access to a child is a bad idea.

Stoner is the youth pastor at Miracle Temple Holy Church. I’m betting it’s a nondenominational church with few internal controls.

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