
Saturday, November 01, 2008

Blogroll Update: A New Flickr Pool

I created a Flickr group for the Atheist blogroll. The idea is that blogroll members can contribute photos to the pool for use by other blogroll members. I am always looking for photos to use with my own blog posts. The 20,000 I have on my computer are not enough. Plus, I've recently started shooting photos with blog posts in mind. It seems like a natural fit.

Join The Atheist Blogroll Flickr Pool

The url is:

If you have a Flickr account, simply choose "Join Group" when you visit the url.

The greeting reads:

Welcome to The Atheist Blogroll's Flickr pool, a collection of photos submitted by readers of blogs belonging to The Atheist Blogroll and Deep Thoughts for possible use in blog posts.

We are looking for pictures related to any and all religions, atheism, secularism, skepticism and politics.

Be sure to tag, name, and describe so we can find your pictures more easily!

I plan to use the group for two things.

  1. I want to provide a pool of photos that other Atheist bloggers can use to illustrate their posts.
  2. Once photos start to flow in, I will post a "best of" the Atheist Blogroll Flickr Pool each Saturday.

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