
Friday, August 01, 2008

"Double-life" pastor gets 18 years

HermanLewis Pastor Herman Lewis has been a regular feature here on Hypocrisy Watch. His drug fueled raunchy attempted tryst with an unwilling female was too much to pass up. Characters like Lewis come along far to infrequently. His time in the sun is over. Pastor Herman Lewis is going to jail for 18 years.

Judge Eitzen also ruled that Lewis must register as a sex offender and must also pay the Spokane Police Department $7,384.88 for damage sustained to several patrol cars when officers took him into custody last year.

Lewis was convicted in June on attempted rape and a pair of assault charges stemming from the incident which happened on April 20, 2007. Lewis walked into a Shari's Restaurant in north Spokane and tried to force restaurant cook Amanda McKenna to leave with him, trying to hand her $50. McKenna resisted his advances and Lewis then tried to forcibly remove her from the restaurant.

Source: Double life pastor gets 18 years

I've posted on this Baptist nutball before:

Pastor Lewis had his fans.

    Anonymous said... You shouldn't believe everything that you read and hear about someone because it’s not always the truth. As someone that knows the family, I know that a lot the things said on the new was not true. First, after further investigation they found no gun in the car and second, his blood work came up clean with no drugs. So can you explain the inconsistencies? I do realize that news was only repeating what he had stated to law enforcement but he was evidently lying. That is one of the main reasons why his family believes that he had a mental breakdown. I hope that you are always blessed with good mental health because I expect that would be treated the same. But then again you might not because you are a white man.

Anonymous said... I believe God is the final judge of right and wrong, not man. "He who is without sin, cast the first stone.."

In general, most people who contacted me thought Pastor Lewis as a dangerous nut. I asked why they followed him. There answers mystified me. "Because he was a good preacher". I've come to believe that what these people really mean is that Pastor Lewis was a good entertainer. It got me thinking that if attending church is entertainment, then those providing the entertainment were actors and therefor not responsible for their actions off stage. Who are we to judge? 

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