
Friday, June 27, 2008

Backyard Skeptics

I met Bruce Gleason of Backyard Skeptics at an Atheist Meetup a few days ago. He gave me his business card and a CD of videos called Atheistic Answers to Religious Questions V.2. I'm good at reading people. I watch and listen. Especially when I meet new people. I listened to Bruce. He did not listen to me.

When we introduced ourselves I game him my card. It has my real name on it and a link to my blog. I don't try to hide who I am in person, only in the online community. I explained that I write a blog and that it features Atheism... blank looks. I talk a little about building an online community via the Atheist Blogroll... more blank looks. I decide to shut up.

Bruce is recruiting for his backyard skeptic's meeting. He tells stories from recent debates. He talks about confronting street preachers by walking around with a sign that says "Talk to an Atheist". I goof on him a little more. It dawns on me that his life revolves around arguing with theists. How sad.

He clutches The Encyclopedia of Biblical Errancy (online) like a fundie clutches his bible. It is heavily annotated. He thrusts it vigorously in my direction. "You must get this book. It will help you win arguments with Christians". My mind becomes like water. I think of my happy place. I start counting the number of times he says "Bible" (23 in 5 minutes).

It appears I've met a Atheist fundamentalist. I start looking for a way to excuse myself. My bullshit detector is starting to go off. I realize I'm about to start eviscerating Bruce. He offers too many opportunities. I'm saved by the lecturer, Dr. Gorapaku Vijayam from the Atheist Centre in India. As his lecture starts, I realize it is going to be a long night.

I can see why some Atheists would engage in battles with theists. I am not interested in what theist believe. I'm only interested in what they try to make me believe. Sitting around with 20 other people debating some passage of the bible seems like a grand waste of time unless there is ample beer or a good cigar involved.

I came to the meetup to get involved in Atheist activism. I'll pass on Backyard Skeptics. I'll pass on the Shaman Knight. I'll pass on people with an agenda. I'd rather goof on odd people and write my blog.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, it appears the fundy gene can work both ways. I wonder if a strong belief combined with a need to convince others of that belief could be classified as a form of mental illness. It probably already is but people haven't made the connection yet.
