
Monday, May 12, 2008

Youth pastor pleads guilty in sexual assault of teen boy

A 40-year-old former youth minister plead guilty yesterday to charges of deviate sexual intercourse and corrupting the morals of a 15-year-old boy.

James Wilkerson, who also uses the name James Haynes, was then sentenced as a result of a negotiated plea to a mandatory minimum of five to 10 years in state prison, followed by three years of probation.

Wilkerson was a youth minister at the Summerfield-Siloam United Methodist Church in Kensington when he improperly touched the boy from November 2006 to May 2007.

Assistant District Attorney Richard DeSipio said in court yesterday that Wilkerson told the teen that "in order to ensure spiritual and physical perfection," he had to engage in physical activity with Wilkerson.

The teen knew Wilkerson from attending his prayer services and karate classes at the church.

Source: Ex-youth pastor pleads guilty in sexual assault of teen boy | Philadelphia Daily News | 05/10/2008

I first posted on James Wilkerson back in August of 2007. The wheels of justice turn slowly if they turn at all.

1 comment:

  1. You know, these kinds of things are exhausting. The psychology of the whole "profession" of pastor just screams "playground for freaks and sickos". There is no shortage of sick bastards using the blank check of religious "authority" to open up their personal Neverland Ranch at the local youth center.

    I've said it before... I wish there really was a HELL for assholes like this. Unfortunately, only their remaining mortal years will serve as punishment, and not eternity of suffering. Shucks!
