
Monday, May 12, 2008

Black Atheist Series: Henry Hubert Harrison

Zee Harrison at Black Woman Thinks is hosting a new series called the Black Atheist Series. Her first post is about Henry Huber Harrison. I have never heard of him (my loss).

I have taken the liberty to include in this category freethinkers, skeptics, humanists, scientific naturalists and anyone else who debunks the supernatural or promotes rational thinking.

To be any of the above categories in many black communities around the world can invite ridicule, censorship, ostracisation or even worse. I invite you to search the net for 'black atheist' and you may discover how few black atheists are 'out'.

To have someone brave enough to challenge irrational thinking at a time when people were victims (and still are to a great extent) of traditional myths, who stands up and promotes the idea of thinking for oneself, is truly admirable.


I've struggled with the same issue, only in the wider American population. We do not know enough about those who have come before us. Their stories need to be told. Henry Hubert Harrison is a great start.

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