
Sunday, May 18, 2008

There is no hiding from Wikileaks

I was reading Mormons, Scientologists face uphill battle against Wikileaks on ars technica. The article lead me to Mormon handbook of instructions. I spent the next hour browsing a pdf and laughing my ass off. I knew the Mormons had rules for everything. I just did not realize they had rules for everything.

Like baptism for criminals:

Persons who have been convicted of crimes and seek baptism for the first time or baptism for readmission into the Church are not baptized until they complete their terms of imprisonment, parole, or probation resulting from their convictions (unless the First Presidency has granted an exception). They are encouraged to work closely with local priesthood leaders and to do everything they can to become worthy of baptism.

No wonder fundies do so well recruiting in prison. They don't have any competition.

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