
Sunday, May 18, 2008

Blogroll Update: cognitive dissident

I love the design aesthetic of cognitive dissident. I going to steal his template. The author has been kind enough to provide an introduction.

In his own words:

The blog is written from the general viewpoint of skepticism, which in my case is a strongly atheistic humanism. I have little love for the unholy trinity of preachers, pundits, and politicians, as their nearly-uniform support of the status quo stifles those of us who think and live differently. My blog tackles a variety of subjects, as mentioned in my FAQ.

"A brief glance at my list of topics will indicate that my primary subjects are politics, current affairs, media criticism, and an occasional foray into the arts. […] Although neither a historian nor a political philosopher by trade, I am a voracious reader of those subjects (as well as current affairs, privacy issues, and church/state matters). I am an iconoclast who believes that sacred cows make the best hamburgers, and who examines the conventional wisdom from a critical perspective."

Having a category about George W. Bush called Worst. President. Ever. —among many other offenses against the herd—means that I am blogging anonymously…at least for now. Whether you agree or disagree with my opinions, I hope that you find my blog interesting and thought-provoking enough to say so!

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