
Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Ted Haggard apology

The statement below was released by New Life Church. It is the text of a letter from Ted Haggard read during church services today. It is notable for a couple of reasons.

  • He asks for money - its stunning. He admits to being a complete and total idiot, but asks for the sheeple to continue giving.
  • He does not admit to being gay - He does not even admit to homosexual behavior, he just eludes to it.
  • He does not admit to drug use - This I don't get. Drug use, meth in particular, needs appropriate medical attention and counseling. If you cannot even admit it. The problem is unlikely to go away.
  • He believes he can be healed - Unfortunately, he is blinded by his own faith here. Just call a spade a spade Haggard.
    He is going to James Dobson to cure his homosexual desires. Give me a revolver, fill five of six chambers with ammo, spin chamber, any place the gun in my hand. I would gladly put the gun to my head and pull the trigger before I submit to James Dobson on anything.
  • He is guilty of sexual immorality - I'm not sure what sexual immorality is; it must be a fundie buzz word. However, since the only things he did that was immoral, is cheat on his wife, use addictive drugs, and lie through his meth stained teeth, I would have preferred a more succinct expression of guilt. Like an admission of adultery, drug addition, and the struggle with his own sexuality, not to mention the obvious chronic lying, hypocrisy, and deceit.

My Dear New Life Church Family,

I am so sorry. I am sorry for the disappointment, the betrayal, and the hurt. I am sorry for the horrible example I have set for you.

I have an overwhelming, all-consuming sadness in my heart for the pain that you and Iand my family have experienced over the past few days. I am so sorry for the circumstances that have caused shame and embarrassment to all of you.

I asked that this note be read to you this morning so I could clarify my heart's condition to you. The last four days have been so difficult for me, my family and all of you, and I have further confused the situation with some of the things I've said during interviews with reporters who would catch me coming or going from my home. But I alone am responsible for the confusion caused by my inconsistent statements. The fact is, I am guilty of sexual immorality, and I take responsibility for the entire problem.

I am a deceiver and a liar. There is a part of my life that is so repulsive and dark that I’ve been warring against it all of my adult life. For extended periods of time, I would enjoy victory and rejoice in freedom. Then, from time to time, the dirt that I thought was gone would resurface, and I would find myself thinking thoughts and experiencing desires that were contrary to everything I believe and teach.

Through the years, I’ve sought assistance in a variety of ways, with none of them proving to be effective in me. Then, because of pride, I began deceiving those I love the most because I didn’t want to hurt or disappoint them.

The public person I was wasn’t a lie; it was just incomplete. When I stopped communicating about my problems, the darkness increased and finally dominated me. As a result, I did things that were contrary to everything I believe.

The accusations that have been leveled against me are not all true, but enough of them are true that I have been appropriately and lovingly removed from ministry. Our church's overseers have required me to submit to the oversight of Dr. James Dobson, Pastor Jack Hayford, and Pastor Tommy Barnett. Those men will perform a thorough analysis of my mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical life. They will guide me through a program with the goal of healing and restoration for my life, my marriage, and my family.

I created this entire situation. The things that I did opened the door for additional allegations. But I am responsible; I alone need to be disciplined and corrected. An example must be set.

It is important that you know how much I love and appreciate my wife, Gayle. What I did should never reflect in a negative way on her relationship with me. She has been and continues to be incredible. The problem was not with her, my children, or any of you. It was created 100% by me.

I have been permanently removed from the office of Senior Pastor of New Life Church. Until a new senior pastor is chosen, our Associate Senior Pastor, Ross Parsley, will assume all of the responsibilities of the office. On the day he accepted this new role, he and his wife, Aimee, had a new baby boy. A new life in the midst of this circumstance—I consider that confluence of events to be prophetic. Please commit to join with Pastor

Ross and the others in church leadership to make their service to you easy and without burden. They are fine leaders. You are blessed. I appreciate your loving and forgiving nature, and I humbly ask you to do a few things:

  1. Please stay faithful to God through service and giving.
  2. Please forgive me. I am so embarrassed and ashamed. I caused this and I have no excuse. I am a sinner. I have fallen. I desperately need to be forgiven and healed.
  3. Please forgive my accuser. He is revealing the deception and sensuality that was in my life. Those sins, and others, need to be dealt with harshly. So, forgive him and, actually, thank God for him. I am trusting that his actions will make me, my wife and family, and ultimately all of you, stronger. He didn’t violate you; I did.
  4. Please stay faithful to each other. Perform your functions well. Encourage each other and rejoice in God’s faithfulness. Our church body is a beautiful body, and like every family, our strength is tested and proven in the midst of adversity. Because of the negative publicity I’ve created with my foolishness, we can now demonstrate to the world how our sick and wounded can be healed, and how even
    disappointed and betrayed church bodies can prosper and rejoice.

Gayle and I need to be gone for a while. We will never return to a leadership role at New Life Church. In our hearts, we will always be members of this body. We love you as our family. I know this situation will put you to the test. I’m sorry I’ve created the test, but please rise to this challenge and demonstrate the incredible grace that is available to all of us.

Source: New Life Church - Ted Haggard Statement



  1. Anonymous2:04 AM

    Another hypocrit fallen from his pedestal. The gullable community will of course "forgive and pray for this fallen sheep". Years of brainwashing really works.
    And by the way, will he return his fat paychecks which he clearly did not deserve. Sure.

  2. Anonymous4:57 AM

    We are in critical times as clearly presented in the scriptures.
    This clearly gives us a jolt into the reality of the very iminent and very near second coming of our Lord Jesus.
    There is healing for the repentant soul.

  3. endtimes - yes I recall reading the chapter about pastor Ted going down on a man, or a mule, or something like that... We are in the end times for sure.

  4. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

  5. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Ugh, hey Einstein.

    I don't know much at all about Ted, but after reading his letter it's plain to see that He wasn't talking about continuing to give money to he himself. He doesn't want people to be so disillusioned by what he has done that they walk away from God & stop giving to His work (God's), whether it's at that Church or somewhere else.

    "Let him without sin cast the first stone" - mojoey. It's really sad to see the status of your heart, my brother. If it was you that fell, I'd pick you up. The poor guy has some serious problems, his family is smack in the middle of it, and leaders of the Church such as he will be judged tougher than the rest of us because they are (were) in a position of authority. So Ted is not in a good place. But thankfully, Jesus is big enough to forgive him if he repents whole heartedly. And if Jesus does it, then we should too. To not forgive is evidence of pride and a belief that we are mightier than God.

    I don't know what's happened in your life that would cause you to be such a mean person, but I'll say a prayer for ya anyway.

  6. (Ugh, hey Einstein. I don't know much at all about Ted, but after reading his letter it's plain to see that He wasn't talking about continuing to give money to he himself.) Who ever said he was keeping the money for himself? His plea was to the sheeple to keep giving to continue support for his hate filled anti-gay agenda.

    (He doesn't want people to be so disillusioned by what he has done that they walk away from God & stop giving to His work (God's), whether it's at that Church or somewhere else.) He does not want his people to be “so disillusioned” – interesting. I cannot see how they would be disillusioned by their founding pastor fucking men, using drugs, lying and deceiving everyone, infidelity, the only thing that is missing is misappropriation of church funds. Hmm, come to think of it. How did he pay for his drug and sex binges?

    ("Let him without sin cast the first stone" - mojoey. It's really sad to see the status of your heart, my brother.) I am not your brother. I am an atheist who finds your religion troubling and the hypocrites who practice it a joke. My heart is pure. I am true to myself, can you say the same?

    (If it was you that fell, I'd pick you up. The poor guy has some serious problems, his family is smack in the middle of it, and leaders of the Church such as he will be judged tougher than the rest of us because they are (were) in a position of authority.) I’ve fallen before – I picked myself up. I do not want or need your help. Since there is no god, there will be no judgment, what a foolish waste of time.

    (So Ted is not in a good place. But thankfully, Jesus is big enough to forgive him if he repents whole heartedly. And if Jesus does it, then we should too.) Jesus does not exist. You live in a fairy tale while trying to emulate an ideal that leaves you open to abusive asshats like Pastor Ted.

    (To not forgive is evidence of pride and a belief that we are mightier than God.) I choose to forgive or not forgive people based on the gravity of the situation involved. Some people I forgive, some I do not. I take responsibility for my decisions. Relying on god for this, and forgiving people who do not deserve it, is foolish.

    (I don't know what's happened in your life that would cause you to be such a mean person, but I'll say a prayer for ya anyway.) Do not waste your time. There is no god. Moreover, you’ve earned my favorite nosey Christian response – my life is none of your fucking business.

  7. But most importantly...Keep giving financially!

    Classic mega church crap!

  8. Anonymous2:18 PM

    The kingdom of God will still march on to regain lost souls all over the world no matter what happens among members of his flock. Forgiveness is something that is still almost alien to those who are not in God's fold. Read the bible and learn that David's murder of Uriah to take Batsheba did not stop God to send His Son into this world. And King David was so loved by God, the bible says. Real hypocrites are those that mock people who fell because of their sins. Real hypocrites don't think they need God to reform from their wicked ways which most of the time is known only to themselves but so obvious to God's eyes.They ignore their conscience which is God's voice. Read the bible and you will understand that most people of God in biblical times were sinners worse than Ted yet God used them in His plan. Abraham was a liar and had multiple wives, Samson, Solomon, David, all of them. Hagar was a prostitute, Peter denied Christ, Paul was a murderer with Stephen as one of his victims... on and on and on and on. The point is, God's mercy is within reach to those who are humble and repentant. To those who think they are righteous in their ways and would like to play God, let them cast the first stone on people like Ted. Let them call repentant sinners "hypocrite". God will return them the favor.

  9. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Just to point something out. If you're going to bash someone for a mistake they made, use proper grammar and spelling.
