
Sunday, November 05, 2006

Dobson's relevance is waning

Two days until the election and Dobson is failing to an impact. I have some reason to hope. Perhaps Dobson agenda of hate is drawing to a close.

James Dobson showed to a crowd of a few hundred, in the venue that holds 2500. Dobson filled stadiums back in 2004 when he was stumping for Thune and brought his hate-fest message to town. Dobson's relevance is waning and the recent scandal surrounding his partner in the "values" crusade Ted Haggard really makes Dobson look like a total idiot. While the head of the Evangelical churches and partner in crime for Dobson has been exposed in the last week for his three year involvement with a gay prostitute, Dobson tried to again pass off his "hate gay people" marriage garbage.

Source: Coat Hangers At Dawn: 11/01/2006 - 11/30/2006


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