
Sunday, October 22, 2006

Sam Harris - Bad reasons to be good

Sam Harris writes another powerful OpEd for the Boston Globe. This time he asks why do Christians have so many bad reasons to be good.

...Most Americans appear to believe that without faith in God, we would have no durable reasons to treat one another well...

Unfortunately, religion tends to separate questions of morality from the living reality of human and animal suffering. Consequently, religious people often devote immense energy to so-called ``moral" questions -- such as gay marriage -- where no real suffering is at issue, and they will inflict terrible suffering in the service of their religious beliefs.

Source: Bad reasons to be good - The Boston Globe

Harris goes on to compare Christian charitable work with the same work provided by secular organizations.

Many pious Christians go to countries like Sudan to help alleviate human suffering, and such behavior is regularly put forward as a defense of Christianity. But in this case, religion gives people bad reasons for acting morally, where good reasons are actually available...

There is a significant difference between Religious and secular charity and aid. Religious aid often comes with a moral strings attached.

...In Africa, for instance, certain Christians preach against condom use in villages where AIDS is epidemic, and where the only information about condoms comes from the ministry.

I don't subscribe to Harris's religion is the root of all evil approach. Yet, I find myself drawn to the logic of his essay's. He is quickly become the voice of Atheism in America today.


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