
Sunday, October 22, 2006

Inspiration for the atheist

Erich Vieth of Dangerous Intersection offers How to love going to church: a guide for atheists.

Given my beliefs, most people would be surprised to hear that I sometimes go to church to be inspired and energized. What’s my secret? I go to church when no one else is there—I like to go to empty churches. When nothing else is going on other than one’s own breathing, meditating, thinking and writing, going to church can even be exhilarating.

Source: Dangerous Intersection » Blog Archive » How to love going to church: a guide for atheists

Erich write a thoughtful post on how atheists (like me) rebel against attending church services, yet find inspiration and a spiritual connection in the grandeur and beauty of cathedrals. Chartres Cathedral in France is a good example. I've visited it a dozen times. I've taken hundreds of pictures. The place draws me back. I'll go again at my next opportunity. The connection to human history is overwhelming.

I do not spend much time or energy thinking about what goes on when people gather in these holy places to worship. I instead stand in awe at a choir screen that artisans labored 500 years to produce, or gaze at the sublime beauty of the sun permeating an ancient stained glass window. I find inspiration wherever I look.

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