
Sunday, October 15, 2006

The Rude Pundit don't like Michelle Malkin

The lead paragraph of the Rude Pundit's hyperbole laden sexist rant against Michelle Malkin and her video digest "the view" is a perfect example of why insanity. Granted Michelle Malkin is a right wing pundit who plays fast and loose with the spin and the facts, granted her attempt at replicating the view was painful to watch, and grated that choice of LeShawn Barber was odd. There is really no reason to be rude.

Why Michelle Malkin Ought To Be Caged Like a Rabid Shih-Tzu (Buddies Edition):

In her increasingly desperate attempt to make herself into some kind of media darling, hideously deformed, incessantly snarling she-beast Michelle Malkin has been making shitty little videos with crappy commentary and putrescent You Tube-level production values for Hot Air. Now, she's invited "friends" over to participate in a take on ABC's celebration of crazed caffeinated bitchery, The View. Malkin calls it
The Vent (at least on her website), and, see, her oh-look-we're-so-goddamn-clever take on it is to reverse what she sees as the political dynamic of The View and have three conservatives and a liberal.

Source: The Rude Pundit

Yet rude it is, and in an embarrassingly brazen way. As if there are no standards for decorum in the blogging world. Oh wait; there are no standards in the blogging world. There is still no excuse for sexist, racists, or otherwise ugly comments. Stick to the facts man, the facts!

What are the facts? Malkin's self-produced talk show was a weak attempt at replication of The View format. She offered no real explanation for her three on one format. Nor did Malkin present a cohesive direction for the show. Malkin's show was dull; it wandered, and was uninteresting. However, I watched the whole video and I will watch any other shows she makes. Why? Because Michelle Malkin is dangerous and Leshawn Barber is scary. Malkin has a large following; Barber has a smaller following but is no less influential in the fundie world. I like to keep an eye on both of these smart women because they can influence people.

The Rude Pundit influences people too. The people on the left, the far left. What about those of us who occupy the middle? Malkin's words seldom influence me, while I find the Rude Pundit embarrassing. The middle ground needs better representation.


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