
Sunday, October 15, 2006

Atheist Ethicist on Bush and checkers

I love this quote - Sometimes I think in pictures...

Sometimes (often) I think in pictures. As I read, a group of seemingly unrelated ideas get together in my head for an impromptu meaning and express themselves in the form of a picture or, more likely, a scene as if from a movie.

Source: Atheist Ethicist: Bush, God's Plan, and Moral Responsibility

I always think in pictures. Everything is images. Images linked to other images, in turn linked to other images. It is one of the reasons I was so late in learning to read. The Atheist Ethicist painted a picture for me today. A picture of Bush playing checkers - with himself.

This chess player then ends up sacrificing some extremely valuable pieces. He sacrifices the institution of truth and aversion to deception. He loses the principle of checks and balances. He makes a move where he captures a pawn (some information on terrorist attacks) by sacrificing his queen (the right of habeas corpus). Yet, he still stands before the crowd and insists, "This is all a part of God's marvelous plan. God is still revealing himself through me. Just wait, and you will see a tremendous victory - made all the more tremendous of the struggle we have gone through to win it."

Source: Atheist Ethicist: Bush, God's Plan, and Moral Responsibility

I can't see Bush playing chess, checkers sure, but chess is a stretch. Mix checkers with a good dose of evangelical double speak and a sprinkling of "God's will", and we have Iraq in civil war, Iran pulling our strings, and Northern Korea with the bomb (even if it is a TNT bomb). If Bush could play chess, he would be Stanley of chessmaster fame. Heck, I can beat Stanley.

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