
Thursday, September 07, 2006

Brian Holtz takes on 9/11 conspiracists

California Libertarian Candidate for Congress Brian Holtz has been using his intellect to debunk his Green opponent Carol Brouillet's 9/11 conspiracies. In a well written summary of a live debate held on August 17, Holtz delivers are devastating blow to the illogical positions espoused by his opponents. Brian even has a video of the debate. Take 20 or 30 minutes to watch or read what is sure to be a classic of skepticism in action. When done, post a word of support for a fellow skeptic who has gone into the lion's den and come out unscathed.

Brian deserves to be a Congressman. I urge you to visit his Campaign website, read about his positions on key issues, and then offer support.

Cross posted to Joe Libertarian

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