
Thursday, September 07, 2006

Ahmadinejad don't like us

Damn - Ahmadinejad thinks we are all atheists.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here on Friday that the big powers' atheism is the rootcause of man's problems today.

Addressing a group of locals, President Ahmadinejad said the only remedy to the plight is recourse to God and injunctions of the divine messengers.

Somewhere in his address, Ahmadinejad said the Iranian nation is on the path to progress, setting God Almighty as its ultimate goal.

He said strong faith in God and monotheism are the key to durable peace and calm.

He went on to say that Iranian nation all over the country support access to peaceful nuclear energy, considering it as their inalienable right.

This guy is crazy, the king of Nutballs in my book. What he actually did was show his distain for Christians.

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