
Monday, January 17, 2005

Noser - Bad Graffiti

It was a slow day in photography land. I shot this picture early this morning because I suspected what I had found was a graffiti poser. NOSER looked so bad,I could have painted this one myself. The real artist can be found here on, which is a graffiti index of sorts. Don’t ask me how I know, it comes from being a fan of good graffiti

Bad graffiti is well... just bad graffiti.

I would have got a close up but that would have meant climbing a chain link fence and trespassing, and I was late for work! I hope the abomination will be painted over soon.


  1. That's not bad... follow the URL below to see some real shockers!

  2. Anonymous1:10 AM

    you couldnt do better or else you would be doing better, youre opinion is meaningless, that boys bad graff is his art, original and unique, you are unoriginal in thoughts or actions. dont hate on the next man, it shows you are a weak person compensating for your lack of ability to be relevant in any aspect of life.
