
Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Blue skys smiling at me

Each morning my view of the skyline ahead is blocked by a never-ending parade of trucks on their way to the Port of Long Beach. I cannot help but notice how ugly they are, but being ugly can sometimes be interesting right (right Brad, Richard?) Also, this shot is so Los Angeles. You can see blue sky peeking out behind the truck, yet your path to this promising vista is blocked by so much crap you often just give up and forget that LA can be beautiful.

This shot is my Photo Tuesday entry under the doors category. The truck has doors, right?


  1. OK let me get this straight.
    1. You gave up sarcasm for 2005.
    2. You believe in total freedom and the existential reality of freedom and dignity.
    3. You cannot stop being a sarcastic twit...

    This falls right into my trap...
    Moral Beauty is hard to come by...

  2. I gave up what in 2005? Sarcasm? I think it was something like "I'm giving up speaking my mind in meetings and at the office because people take offense at my sarcastic humor". I am trying to stop cussing (not doing all that well either, but trying).
