
Monday, October 11, 2004

I found it!

The source of many a Christian fundamentalist's nutball eyesore signage is The site is a crack up, it actually has a Christian dictionary that defines AMEN and GOD, amoung other hard to understand terms. Of course, it is full of the obligatory tract oriented "If you want to be saved click here", and the "if you want to donate money, send it here" links. My favorite section is "How to become a christian".

I was reading the testimonials when I saw one that read, "I saw your bumper sticker on the back of a car in the parking lot. I felt the Lord speaking tom me so I went to the website and followed the steps to be a Christian." Right.....

I saw a "Jesus is Coming" bumber sticker on the back of a car today, it was right after the asshat who was driving cut me off on PCH, then flipped me the bird. When he realized I was going to drive my truck up his ass, he threw his coke at me, called me an unchristian name, and made a panic turn across oncoming lanes. I watched his bible slide across his dashboard as he turned, its leather cover was cracked and worn. AMEN bro!

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