
Sunday, October 10, 2004

Are voters stupid? ABC News thinks so.

Mark Halperin ABC Memo

So, it seems that both John Kerry and George Bush "distort the truth", but that George Bush is worse than John Kerry. Halperin said "the current Bush attacks on Kerry involve distortions and taking things out of context in a way that goes beyond what Kerry has done". Therefore, it is necessary to… what? Paint a biased picture to the American public? That is exactly what Halperin directed the editorial staff at ABC News to do. Apparently, American voters are too stupid to figure things out on their own.

We now have clear evidence of two focused attempts to influence the election through editorial bias, Rather at CBS, and Halperin at ABC. What does NBC have up its sleeve? The liberal press clearly does not want Bush to be our next President. We should all boycott the mainstream press, and we should all make up our own minds concerning the upcoming election..

I wonder if this story will even make it on to the evening news. I doubt it.

Drudge Broke the story:
Beautiful Atrocities has a nice piece on it

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