
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Pastor John D. White sentenced to 56-year in prison

A sentence of 56 to 85 years sounds harsh, but when a pastor murders a girl to act out a morbid fantasy about sleeping with a corpse, 56-years in prison seems like much too short of a sentence. Pastor John D. White will die in prison.

Isabella County Chief Circuit Judge Paul Chamberlain ordered 55-year-old John D. White to serve from 56 to 85 years behind bars, saying he saw no reason why White, who had two prior convictions for attacking women, should ever leave prison.

White pleaded guilty last month to second-degree murder as a habitual third offender in the slaying last Halloween of Rebekah Gay. According to police, White confessed to killing Gay in her Broomfield Township home because he wanted to have sex with a dead body.

Source: Mich. Minister Gets 56-Year Prison Term for Murder

I want to comment on the stunning amount of stupid in this case. I know my comments sometimes piss people off, and that in this case, I'm likely to seem insensitive, but seriously, what kind of idiots are these people? White was a two-time loser at the time of his arrest for this bizarre murder. He had served 12-years for manslaughter in the death of a woman and He had been sentenced to probation for the choking and stabbing of another 17-year-old girl years before. He was clearly a risk. He should not have been trusted by anyone in any way. Yet despite clear indications that White was a menace, a church allowed him to become their pastor after a claimed a jailhouse conversion. Further, his finance allowed him to watch her children, because… you know, God and all that crap. How did he get a fiancĂ© anyway? That makes no sense at all either. How can any woman look at this man's past and think that they could have any kind of future with this nut job? Sure, White is the murder, but his fiancĂ© is simply stupid and bears some responsibility in the death of her daughter, as do the idiots who followed this man. Why do people buy the jailhouse conversion story? What makes them so gullible that they follow a man who has killed one woman and violently assaulted another? Use your common sense people. Trust is earned. White, if he did convert, should have been put on gardening duty for the rest of his life. He can serve by keeping the grounds clean. He did not need to lead a church, or have access to kids and vulnerable women. 

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