
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Pastor Eddie Prince arrested for child porn

Eddie_PrinceBaptist pastor Eddie Prince stands accused of using a public library computer to download and view child pornography. Prince is the pastor at Oak Grove Baptist Church in Hernando, Mississippi. HIs wife and family are standing behind him.

"I've been married to Eddie for 42 years as a pastor's wife," said Brenda Prince. "I've always supported and stood beside him in his ministry and do not plan to turn away now."

It must be horrible to wake up one day after 42 years of marriage to find that your husband has a thing for children. I’m not sure standing behind the accused pedophile and epic hypocrite is the right thing to do. Touting his godliness in light of the alleged crime is is hypocrisy.

More charges are expected as the police are still looking at his computer hard drives. With this in mind, hIs attorney is trying to reach a plea deal. Which is a good idea when you look at the facts. They have witnesses.who saw him viewing objectionable content at the library. They have physical evidence from the library computer system. And, they will get additional physical evidence from the unfortunate pastor’s hard drive. A plea deal is necessary or else Price will find himself in prison for a long time.

His family keeps referring to him as a godly man and a man of God, yet his alleged behavior is that of a base degenerate. What kind of testimony does his live give if he dedicated his life to Christ but end his career as a pedophile? His life is a lie. How did his life matter at all? How is his life an example for others to follow? How is his version of morality something to be proud of – something to tout as the Christian moral advantage? It’s not. Being a Christian, reading the bible, having god in your corner, it’s all meaningless babble if a life long pastor falls for kiddie porn. There is no advantage.

1 comment:

  1. I am commenting because I grew up in Brother Eddie's home and the church he preached at. His oldest daughter and myself have been close friends for many years. I spent many nights at their home with them and I can say that Brother Eddie is still a great man. He has demons in his childhood that led to this and one thing all can call a blessing is that he didn't act on those impulses. He never physically touched a child or tried to touch a child and he ample chance to because there were kids in and out of their home on a daily basis. Brother Eddie stumbled as we all do and just cause he is a preacher doesn't mean he is perfect. He has received help and our God still loves him and forgives him as our God forgives us too so we too should forgive him and let him move on. Thanks for letting me comment.
