
Monday, March 07, 2011

Photography as therapy


I take photos every day. I use my Nikon for most shots, but I’m learning to love my iPhone 4. I use the Hipstamatic for most shots as I like the image effects. The experience is like playing with a unpredictable visual tool. The results can be wonderful, or not. It really does not matter though, it’s all about taking photos.

Taking photos feeds my creative process, but it also provides a service. I call it my photo therapy. It calms my unquiet mind. It’s almost like deep breathing or meditation. I focus on building an image, something I see in my mind’s eye, and I find my mind at peace, my thoughts calm, and my concentration unimpeded by distractions, even when the distractions are knee high and yelling in my ear.

In this case young Joshua was a running blur. I noticed the deep red of the wall and though that it would make an interesting background if I could just find a good subject. When Joshua started to climb, I started to shoot. I kept one photo from the sequence.

Right before I took this photo, I was sitting in a cramped dinning room with 50 people all talking at the same time. My mind was racing and I was heading down the path to becoming grump Joe.I know this because my wife will remind me to step outside and get some fresh air at time. I noticed my young cousin with autism slowly melting down and I actually understood why. Instead of leaving, I shot a few photos. Two were nice. The other is located here.

I need therapy. Sometimes I think we all do.

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