
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pastor Ricardo Maffey convicted

The jury’s in and Pastor Ricardo Avalos Maffey finds himself the newest member of the pedophile pastor club. Maffey molested a 14-year-girl.

RicardoMaffeyMaffey met the 14-year-old through the church and began "grooming the victim by spending time alone with her while the victim was volunteering in the church office," the release states.

From May to August, 2008, the defendant violated his position of trust by engaging in illegal sexual contact with the girl, the release states.

"On multiple occasions, Maffey kissed Jane Doe on the mouth while the two were alone after prayer service or in the church office," the release states. "The defendant also inappropriately touched the victim’s leg and buttocks."

It sounds like this pastor acted more like a creepy uncle than a man of god. How does a pastor speak for god and then go on to molest a young girl? The act does not reconcile.

The crime occurred in Santa Clemente, California at the Apostolic Christian Church. Maffey was the pastor.

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