
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Corruption and Christian blindness

I’ve been around long enough to know the difference between genuine Christian believers, and those who are in it for the money. It seems incongruent that people see religion as a way to gain a financial (or sexual) advantage over others, but we know this to be common based on the large number of fallen pastors who have appeared on this blog. Those who game the system stand out from their peers. I honestly don’t know why Christians can’t see it for themselves. It’s a bit like finding Waldo at a emo convention. Waldo stands out. So does this class of degenerate pastors.

MItchellDavidEdwardPastor David Lee Edward Mitchell stands accused of giving legal advice without a license. While the charge seems relatively harmless, it is in fact theft by misrepresentation. Mitchell allegedly took payment for services and then did nothing.

Police say another woman came forward after seeing Mitchell on the news and told investigators that she had been defrauded of $1100. The 59-year-old woman said she met with Mitchell who claimed to have three lawyers working with him and that her son would be out of jail. The woman told police that Mitchell had done nothing to help them after being paid.

More victims are coming forward now that this case has hit the press. He is in jail pending release on a $150k bond.

Who would trust this man? He is a convicted criminal. He served time for forgery and grand Larceny and was paroled in 2007. How many red flags do people need? A fresh out of prison pastor that victims willing gave large sums of money too in exchange for legal advice - it strains credulity. Nobody is that dumb – unless it comes to religion. One should at least as the question, “Is this man trustworthy?”

hat tip Conservative Babylon.

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