
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Another pastor, another 14-year-old girl

It’s an epidemic of creepiness. Youth pastor Sean Feltman pleaded not guilty to charges he attempted to lure a teen into a sexual relationship. Technically, Feltman was the director of youth at Willamette Community Church. It’s not clear if his duties included pastoring, we know he was allegedly pestering at least one young girl

Police say they began to investigate Feltman on Jan. 9, when the parents of a 14-year-old girl who attends the church youth group reported their daughter received sexually explicit text messages and online messages from the man.

I’ve asked this questions a few times now. What is it about pastors and 14-year-old girls. I’ll have to check the statistics to see if 14-year-old girls are more likely to be victims of this type of sexual abuse than say a 17-year-old. What do you think?

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