
Friday, August 28, 2009

Put your faith in the church, or not

Pastor run all kinds of scams, but stealing funds from the homeless is pretty low. Or in this case an upgrade from a small FEMA trailer to a full sized model.

In the last two years, more than a 175 people paid Reverend Martin Denesse, of Grace Harbor Ministries, $2,200. They were told it was for insurance to receive a free full size FEMA trailer. The residents felt it was a safe request because Denesse was the parish’s designated trailer liaison.

Trust in the church and you trust in men. Men of the cloth lie, steal, cheat and whore around just like the rest of us. Pastor Martin Denesse disserves to be tarred and feathered. How to you rationalize stealing from those in need?  His actions are disgusting.

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