
Friday, June 19, 2009

He sure fits the predatory pastor profile

Efrain Umana I've learned a few things over the years. One is never trust a man who holds all the cards in a adult-to-child relationship. For example if a pastor is also your immigration sponsor and your counselor... um, run away.

A pastor in Lincoln, Nebraska fits the profile. Efrain Umana was arrested for sexually abusing a child and forcing a woman to have sex with him.
Umana is alleged to have raped a 10 or 11 year old girl in his Church’s sound room. There is also a women who claims Umana used his position of influence over her to force a sexual relationship.

There are other victims along with a disturbing history of abusive behavior, including losing his job as a pastor for an Assemblies of God church for unbecoming ministerial conduct, and losing his job as a school bus driving for being too friendly with the children.

The burning question is, why did the Templo Monte Horeb hire him as a pastor in the first place? Here is a man with obvious risk factors who should never be allowed to lead a church, yet he does. It gets better, how does a school bus driver move from a non-skilled job to leading a church? Are the no standards?

Update 4/18/2011

We have a conviction

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