
Thursday, November 06, 2008

A life of complete dishonesty


Rev. Elivis Elano can no longer serve as a hospital chaplain. This after being removed from Our Lady of the Snows Church in Queens for misconduct. You see, Elano likes the ladies, especially the ladies damaged by divorce.

..the 50-year-old woman said her affair with the 44-year-old priest began in March, after she told him about her divorce during confession at Our Lady of the Snows Church in Queens.

She said he began "encouraging her to engage in a sexual liaison with him to assist her in overcoming her pain associated with her husband and because it was 'ordained by God,"' according to the lawsuit.

The affair came to light after Elano broke it off. He was concerned about a possible STD he may have acquired through sexual contact with others. What I don't understand is how anybody would have posted him to hospital in the first place. He preyed on the weak and needed, so they send him to a place full of weak and needed people? It makes no sense.

In response, the Catholic church is looking for ways to weed out priest with over active sex drives. I think they should start a secret shopper program. Oh wait, that might actually accomplish something... never mind.

Photo by Psychodiva on Flickr.

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