
Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Am I cool yet?

My wife alerted me to this article, "Suddenly, it may be cool to be an American again", written by William J. Kole of the Associated Press. It seems a stranger kissed him on the cheek.

It happened on the bus on my way to work Wednesday morning, a few hours after compatriots clamoring for change swept Barack Obama to his historic victory. I was on the phone, and the 20-something Austrian woman seated in front of me overheard me speaking English.

Without a word, she turned, pecked me on the cheek and stepped off at the next stop.

Nothing was said, but the message was clear: Today, we are all Americans.

I've traveled abroad a lot, even before Bush made it difficult. I've always had problems when people recognize me as American. I've even been roughed up a few times... although I am pretty sure I contributed to those situations. However, the hope of the kiss is clear. Is the Bush era of international lunacy finally over? I hope so. I had more fun when I was mistaken as a German.

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