
Saturday, October 04, 2008

Yes, I am a jerk

Apparently fundie nutball and quack doctor Eric Keroack killed himself. ...and I missed it. I received some fan mail though...

First let me start by saying that you did not know eric [sic] and have no right to judge him! he went above and beyond for people! He was someone who really cared you weren't just another patient! There will never be anyone like him! He changed peoples lives! Instead of me explaining to you who he was, let me explain how much of a jerk you are! Again another example of trashing someone you never met , where you get off saying what you said about him really pisses me off to know end! no matter what you think Eric still was a son,husband,father,brother,and trully[sic] a dedicated doctor! who unfortunate for you, you never had the pleasure to meet him! He died on April 11,2008! It was a tragedy so please show some respect for his family and keep your comments to your self! [sic] He took his own life! Because of people like you that want to talk about people and run their mouths about things they don't know nothing about! Get A life! Mind your buisness! [sic] Shame on you for the thin gs you wrote godforbid [sic] his daughter came across this and not only did she lose her father but has to read stuff that some jackass wrote about him that doesn't even know him!

I knew him. He tried to limit reproductive rights for women. He thought having sex reduced the connection a mother could have with her baby. He was appointed to lead the Department of Health and Human Services only to resign his post in disgrace over medicare billing fraud. And then he killed himself to escape responsibility.

So this Jackass (that would be), feels no need to apologize for calling a spade a spade. Eric Keroack damaged our country and attempted to move our reproductive rights back to the dark ages. I have no problem with him removing himself from the gene pool.

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