
Monday, October 20, 2008

New friends

TravisI played a round of disc golf at the course in Huntington Beach. It is supposed to be a hard course. I played well. I played par on the front nine, and four over on the back. It was a good round for me despite blowing hole number 11 with a triple bogey. For those of you who do not play, imagine trying throw a disk in a forest of tree trunks. I think I hit every tree.

I met Travis on the course while looking for the tee box on the tenth hole. We've met once before while I was shopping for discs at Discovering the World. He remembered me right away.

One of the reasons I play the game is the social interactions. People like Travis are friendly and open. You walk up, say hi, and start playing. I've met dozens of new people this way. We all share a love for the game which transcends race and class.

I asked Travis why he played. He told me he loved to walk in the park so that he can be close to nature, and, like me, he liked to watch the flight of a well thrown disc.

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