
Friday, October 03, 2008

Instant morality

I went to a liquor store to buy a tin of cigars a few days ago.  The cigars were nothing special. I needed something to cut the stress at work. A quick cigar was just the ticket. While I was waiting on line for clerk, a short man in an old suit asked me if I knew Jesus. This happens enough that I have a pat answer - fuck off.  He persisted. I told him I was an atheist, it only piqued his interest.

I paid for the cigars and moved toward the door. He followed. He told me I could not possibly live without moral direction. The I needed Jesus to show me how to live right. I asked him how that worked. He handed me a bible tract and told me if I prayed the special prayer, then God would fill me with the holy spirit and I would instantly know right from wrong. I said "like magic?" He actually said "yes".

What an idiot - does he really think saying a prayer will change me in some way? That become a Christian would give me a different world view? What kind of snake oil....

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